President Hellenic Society for Intergrative Oncology

Alfred Barich

Τσιμισκή 82, Θεσσαλονίκη

Aristotelian University Medical School
Specialty Training Theagenio Cancer Hospital
Post Graduate MD Anderson Oncology Hosp. Houston,Texas

Doctor of Medicine
President Hellenic Society for Integrative Oncology
AHEPA P. Supreme Governor Europe
Founding Member and Board Member of Hellenic Oncology Research Group(H.O.R.G.)
Head of Research Protocols in Northern Greece for H.O.R.G.

Member of the Board of Directors of AHEPA University Hospital(700 bed capacity) representing the Organisation that built the hospital(AHEPA) since 2001.
Appointed Chairman of Development Committee (developed the new Oncology Dept. and upgraded the Radiation Dept. Equipment [VARIANT LINACs]etc.)

Appointed Liason for Greece for Hellenic Relief Committee

President of Hellenic Society for Integrative Oncology

Head of Integrative Oncology Dept. Gen. Clinic /Euromedica (now)

Frm. Director Oncology Dept. Galinos Hospital(1999-2009)

Frm. President of CRYOMED and CRYODENT(CRYOMED is a State of the Arts Stem Cell Processing , Preservation , R&D laboratory(from 2009- 2013)
Chairman of CRYOMED Scientific Advisory Board

Frm President Board of Directors of «Pinewood International Schools»(1990-1999)

Member U.S. Consulate Roundtable (Thessaloniki Greece)

Chairman of Scientific Advisory Board of Hellenic Society of Hyperthermic Oncology (2013-now)

Member of New York Academy of Sciences

Member of American Association for Advancement of Sciences

Member of American Association of Clinical Oncology

Member of European Society of Surgical Oncology
Member of European Society of Medical Oncology

Member of European Association for Cancer Research

Member of International Society of Cytokine Research

Member of Hellenic Anticancer Society

Member of Hellenic Cancer Research Society


Organizing Committee for European Convention ESHO 2017
Scientific Committee for European Convention ESHO 2017


Integrative Oncology , Immunostimulation, Cell Therapies, Personalized Medicine, Health Administration.

Major Events in Brief

Frm.District Governor of the Order of AHEPA
Frm.Vice President of AHEPA International
Supreme Governor AHEPA Europe

In the capacity of District Governor I organized the AHEPA HELLENIC AMERICAN FORUM in 2006 in which over 100 prominent members of AHEPA from all the US ,as well as the leadership of AHEPA from Washington participated. Some of the events of this forum included a visit to Cyprus and meetings with the President of CyprusTassos Papadopoulos and most prominent Ministers to discuss the Cypriot issue(here the leadership represented the rest of the delegation), and a visit to the occupied territories so our leaders can have first hand experience of the Drama that unfolded there. Also a visit to Northern Greece and Vergina as well as the officials there,so the delegation could have more insight to the Macedonian issue. Finally the forum culminated in the Grand Gala at the Intercontinental Hotel in Athens where President Papoulias , Prime Minister Karamanlis and Parliament President Benaki, as well as 10 ministers of the Government and many members of Parliament from all parties, participated.

In 2007, I mediated meetings with 7 US Senators (Codel on a fact finding mission, with the help of the US Embassy) and the Prime Minister, President of the Hellenic Democracy, and key Ministers to discuss the major Hellenic issues. The same was repeated in Cyprus.

In 2008, I organized the AHEPA Supreme Convention (International) in Athens.

I mobilized AHEPA for the destructive fires in Peloponnisos and we gathered both money and supplies for the families who lost their houses and raised 1.5 million dollars (see speech of Dr. Barich to AHEPAns in meeting of Atlanta to mobilize for fires on YOUTUBE )

Collaboration with IOCC for relief of families in Greece and support of hospitals with medical and pharmaceutical supplies (last three years).

Member of Hellenic Relief Committee of AHEPA USA.

Recently Organized and Finalized the creation of AHEPA EUROPE with intent to organize the Hellenes of the European Diaspora as we did in the USA many years ago.

Τσιμισκή 82, Θεσσαλονίκη