Καρδιοχειρουργική Παίδων και Ενηλίκων

Σαρρής Γεώργιος

Λεωφ. Κηφισίας 2, Μαρούσι

Γιώργος Ηλ. Σαρρής

Διευθυντής Καρδιοχειρουργικής Κλινικής Παίδων
και Συγγενών Καρδιοπαθειών Παιδιατρικής Κλινικής ΙΑΣΩ


Απόφοιτος Κολλεγίου Αθηνών (suma cum laude, 1975).
Πτυχίο BA στις Βιοχημικές Επιστήμες, Πανεπιστήμιο Harvard, ΗΠΑ (with honors, 1978).
Πτυχίο Ιατρικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Harvard, ΗΠΑ (with honors, 1982).
Πτυχίο HST-MD (Διατριβή) Προγράμματος Health Sciences and Technology, Πανεπιστημίων Harvard – MIT, ΗΠΑ (1982). Τίτλος διατριβής “Identification of an Apolipoprotein E Receptor on a Human Hepatoma Cell Line”
Ειδίκευση στην Παθολογία, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard, ΗΠΑ (1982-83).
Ειδίκευση στην Γενική Χειρουργική, Πανεπιστήμιο Stanford, ΗΠΑ (1983-90).
Διπλωματούχος American Board of Surgery (1991).
Ειδίκευση στην Καρδιοχειρουργική, Πανεπιστήμιο Stanford, ΗΠΑ (1990-93).
Διπλωματούχος American Board of Thoracic Surgery (1994, recertification to 2014).
Εξειδίκευση στην Καρδιοχειρουργική έρευνα (Carl and Leah McConnel Fellowship in Cardiovascular Research, Stanford University, ΗΠΑ, 1986-88).
Εξειδίκευση (Fellowship) στις Μεταμοσχεύσεις Καρδιάς, Πνευμόνων, και Καρδιάς – Πνευμόνων, Μονάδα Μεταμοσχεύσεων Πανεπιστημίου Stanford, ΗΠΑ (92-93).
Εξειδίκευση (Fellowship) στην Παιδοκαρδιοχειρουργική, Πανεπιστήμιο Emory, ΗΠΑ (1993-94).
Διδακτορική Διατριβή, Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών (2006). Τίτλος Διατριβής: Αποτελέσματα της Ολικής Διακολπικής / Διαπνευμονικής Διόρθωσης της Τετραλογίας Fallot με έμφαση στα Στοιχεία Λειτουργικότητας της Δεξιάς Κοιλίας.


Λέκτορας Καρδιοχειρουργικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Emory, ΗΠΑ (1993-94).
Καθηγητής Καρδιοχειρουργικής, Κέντρο Καρδιοχειρουργικής Παίδων και Συγγενών Καρδιοπαθειών και υπεύθυνος Παιδιατρικών Μεταμοσχεύσεων Καρδιάς –Πνευμόνων, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, ΗΠΑ (1995-97).
Διευθυντής Δ’ Καρδιοχειρουργικού Τμήματος Παίδων και Συγγενών Καρδιοπαθειών, Ωνάσειο Καρδιοχειρουργικό Κέντρο (1997- 2007).

Μέλος σε επιστημονικές εταιρίες:

American Association for Thoracic Surgery, ΗΠΑ
Society of Thoracic Surgeons, ΗΠΑ
International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, ΗΠΑ
American Heart Association, ΗΠΑ
Inaugural Fellow of the American Heart Association (FAHA)
European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association
European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery
Fellow of the European Board of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (FETCS)
European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery
American College of Cardiology, ΗΠΑ
Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FACC)
American College of Surgeons, ΗΠΑ
Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS)
International Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Fellow of Cardiothoracic Surgery (FCTS)
International Society of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
Harvard University – Massachusetts Institute of Technology Irving M. London Society, ΗΠΑ
Balkan Society for Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Turkish Pediatric Cardiology Association (Honorary Member)
Ελληνική Εταιρεία Χειρουργικής Θώρακος, Καρδιάς και Αγγείων
Ελληνική Καρδιολογική Εταιρεία
Ομάδα Εργασίας Συγγενών Καρδιοπαθειών
Ομάδα Εργασίας Καρδιοχειρουργικής
Ομάδα Εργασίας Πειραματικής Καρδιολογίας
Ομάδα Εργασίας Καρδιακής Ανεπάρκειας
Ελληνική Παιδοκαρδιολογική Εταιρεία
Ελληνικό Κολλέγιο Καρδιολογίας και Καρδιοχειρουργικής
Ελληνική Εταιρεία Μεταγγισιοθεραπείας

Τομείς Εξειδίκευσης:

Εξωσωματική Κυκλοφορία σε Νεογνά
Μετάθεση Των Μεγάλων Αγγείων
Μεσοκολπικές & Μεσοκοιλιακές Επικοινωνίες
Τετραλογία Fallot
Μονήρης Κοιλία – Επεμβάσεις Fontan
Πλαστική Καρδιακών Βαλβίδων
Βαλβιδοφόρα Μοσχεύματα
Καρδιακές Λοιμώξεις
Μηχανική Υποστήριξη της Κυκλοφορίας
Συγγενείς Καρδιοπάθειες στους Ενήλικες


Βηματοδότες και Απινιδωτές
Επεμβατική Καρδιολογία

Επιστημονικές Δημοσιεύσεις:

Management Transcatheter ASD Closure
Partial Right-Sided Pericardial Defect Associated with Congenital Aortic Valve Disease.
Emergency Surgery for Embolisation of Amplatzer Device into the Left Atrium.
Questions Remaining About the Surgical Correction of Tetralogy of Fallot.
Surgical Results After Total Transatrial/Transpulmonary Correction of Tetralogy of Fallot.
Cardiac Surgery in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease: An Emerging Challenge.
Successful Surgical Correction of Congenital Heart Disease in Adults: Seven Years’ Experience.
Etiology and management of chylothorax following pediatric heart surgery
The improvement of care for paediatric and congenital cardiac disease across the World: a challenge for the World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery.
Mid-term results following surgical treatment of congenital cardiac malformations in adults.
Surgical closure of an atrial septal defect in an 11-year-old girl with Silver-Russell syndrome.
Inhibition of accelerated cardiac allograft arteriosclerosis by fish oil
Physiologic role of the mitral apparatus in left ventricular regional mechanics, contraction synergy, and global systolic performance
Early results after transatrial/transpulmonary repair of tetralogy of Fallot
Successful surgical repair of a giant arteriovenous fistula of the coronary arteries.
Subtle infective endocarditis and congenital cardiac disease.
Early left ventricular function recovery after trap-door coronary transfer repair of ALCAPA in an adult patient.
Tetralogy of Fallot: influence of right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction on late outcome.
Isolated congenital tricuspid insufficiency associated with right-sided congenital partial absence of the pericardium.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circulatory support after cardiac surgery.
New xenograft valved conduit (Contegra) for right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction.
Anomalous Origin of Left Coronary From Right Pulmonary Artery in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Delayed Presentation and Repair of Isolated Traumatic Ventricular Septal Defect
Identification and catheter ablation of extracardiac and intracardiac components of ligament of Marshall tissue for treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
Immediate post-operative balloon dilatation of neonatal long segment stenosis of the descending thoracic aorta.
Pediatric cardiac transplantation. The Stanford experience.
Long-term results of combined heart-lung transplantation: the Stanford experience.
Randomized, prospective assessment of ioprosthetic valve durability. Hancock versus Carpentier-Edwards valves.
Regional epicardial and endocardial two-dimensional finite deformations in canine left ventricle.
Dose response of fish oil versus safflower oil on graft arteriosclerosis in rabbit heterotopic cardiac allografts.
Importance of mitral subvalvular apparatus in terms of cardiac energetics and systolic mechanics in the ejecting canine heart.
Treatment of patients with aortic dissection presenting with peripheral vascular complications.
The reversibility of canine vein-graft arterialization.
Role of the mitral subvalvular apparatus in left ventricular systolic mechanics.
Surgical management of acute aortic dissection complicated by stroke.
Global and regional left ventricular systolic performance in the in situ ejecting canine heart. Importance of the mitral apparatus.
Mechanisms responsible for inhibition of vein-graft arteriosclerosis by fish oil.
Cardiac transplantation: The Stanford experience in the cyclosporine era
Choledochocele: case report, literature review, and a proposed classification.
Valvular-ventricular interaction: the importance of the mitral chordae tendineae in terms of global left ventricular systolic function.
Restoration of left ventricular systolic performance after reattachment of the mitral chordae tendineae. The importance of valvular-ventricular interaction.
Inhibition of vein graft intimal thickening by eicosapentanoic acid: reduced thromboxane production without change in lipoprotein levels or low-density lipoprotein receptor density.
Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion From a Retained Left Atrial Catheter 21 Years After Operation.
Double-outlet right ventricle with complete atrioventricular canal.
Emergency surgical intervention for runaway atrial septal defect closure devices: A word of caution.
Improving early and intermediate results of truncus arteriosus repair: a new technique of truncal valve repair.
Is congenital tricuspid insufficiency (CTI) as rare as it seems to be?
Left Anomalous Pulmonary Vein Connection: the Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Management of Catheter-Related injuries to the coronary sinus.
Results of surgery for Ebstein anomaly: A multicenter study from the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association.
Risk of Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult: A Multicentered European Study.
Surgical Cryoablation for Life-Threatening Postoperative Junctional Tachycardia.
The arterial switch operation in Europe for transposition of the great arteries: A multi-institutional study from the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association.
Ventriculo-arterial discordance: switching the morphologically left ventricle into the systemic circulation after 3 months of age.
Anterior Aortic Reimplantation of Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery (ALCAPA) Originating from the Nonfacing Sinus in an Adult.
Οι καρδιοπάθειες στα παιδιά και η αντιμετώπισή τους.
The Fontan Procedure in Greece: Early Surgical Results and Excellent Mid-Term Outcome.
Eternal ECMO: The challenge of prolonged post-cardiotomy extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Emergency Transmediastinal Pneumonectomy for Scimitar Syndrome
Τεχνικές και Αποτελέσματα της Χειρουργικής Αντιμετώπισης του Συνδρόμου Ασκεπούς Στεφανιαίου Κόλπου
An invitation to the Medical students of the world to join the global coalition to improve care for children and adults with Congenital Heart Disease across the world
Η επέμβαση Fontan στην Ελλάδα: Πρώϊμα χειρουργικά αποτελέσματα και άριστα μεσοπρόθεσμα χειρουργική "έκβαση"
Preservation of right ventricular structure and function following transatrial - transpulmonary repair of Tetralogy of Fallot
Surgery for Primary cardiac tumors in children: Early and late results in a Multi-Center European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association ( ECHSA ) Study
EACTS guidelines for the use of patient safety checklists
Όψιμη αντικατάσταση πνευμονικής βαλβίδας μετά από ολική χειρουργική διόρθωση Τετραλογίας Fallot ( TOF )
Scimitar Syndrome. A European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association ( ECHSA) Multicentric Study
Surgery for Primaty Cardiac Tumors in Children :Early and Late Results in a Multicenter European Congenitla Heart Surgeons Assocation Study
Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovasculat Surgery: Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Annual
Etiology and Management of Chylothorax Followng Pediatric Heart Surgery
The Improvement of Care For Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac disease acrpss the World; a challenge for the world society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery
Peter Imaging Left Anomalous Pulmonary Vein Connection: the Role of Magnetic Resonance
Outcomes and prognostic factors for postsurgical pulmonary vein stenosis in the current era

Λεωφ. Κηφισίας 2, Μαρούσι